Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Changing Frames of Maturity

Now & then ,I get perlpexed what should be deemed right & what should be deemed wrong What is that which separates the RIGHT from the WRONG.Is it merely the relative spectrum through hcih we see things right or wrong or Is there an absolute truth Mor often than not ,I ponder on whether there is any absolute maturity or is it relative?.
I stoicly believe in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity(although I dunno what exactly it is!!) “Everything is relative in this world.We see things differently as our frame of Reference changes”. & time & again I see it’s application in my life .In my opinion ,the same holds true as we grow & enter the maturing phase(which doesn’t last even when we become old.)
I’ll take my example with which ,I’m sure,you would agree & you’ll be able to correlate the same thing in your life.When I entered my teenage years,I strongly believed that drinking & smoking are bad habits,so drinkers & smokers are bad guys of the society.That time I firmly believed that there can be no two sides of this & if you agree with me then you are a good guy/gal & disagreeing with me would put you in the bad boy/gal category.
Time matures all.So did it me.When I came to the college I realized how immature that starting-teen years myself was who judged people on their smoking/drinking habits ,.
Now I’ve good friends who smoke/drink & I find that these guys r as normal as u & me & even better than some of us.Now comes the paradox ,I don’t smoke/drink myself although I know that a peg of alcohol ,now & then,will not make you an addict.Why haven’t I taken up smoking/drinking ? I dunno .May be I’m scared that I’ll become an addict & will be more at the bars & beer shops rather than doing something worthwile.Probably I’m afraid that I may go a step higher in the ladder of “Maturity” & do drugs-come on,Changing Frame of Reference!!Isn’t it?.But how can I say that I’ll become so & so when I’ven’t tried & tested anything ..So does this mean that I shouls test it once & leave it immediately after that or I should be a complete teetotaller?I know that nobody can answer this(like nobody can answer:Why pre-marital sex is bad? If u’ve any answer just drop in a reply )I know that I ‘ll not take up smoking/drinking (at least in the near future)but who knows my “Frame of Reference “ may take a complete U-turn sometime in the future when I’ll deem myself to be “maturer” &may be I’ll look back & laugh at the “immaturish” thinking of that post-teen myself who wrote a topic “The changing frames of Maturity”
So is there an absolute Maturity & when does one achieve it?At an age of 20 or 40 or 60? .I’m sorry I can’t answer both the Qs .What I can definitely say that a 50-year old person can be as immaturish as a child entering his teenage years & vice-versa.
I dunno what Maturity is & how do you define it?It gives a sense of “maturity” to adults when they scold children & ask them to grow up & be more mature .But ,more often than not, they are the ones who fight more childlishly amongst themselves.
They feel like “grown-ups” when they ask their chidren to respect their elders & will leave their throats hoarse by preaching sermons day-in & day-out ,but will go nuts if their own octagenarian parents ask for a little favour.
I call this hypocrsisy.Black dot on the word Maturity.If you feel “mature” enough to preach something then you should be really mature enough to preach it.
In my view ,maturity is no less than a mirage.From a distance it seems very close.It seems we’r very close to attaining the maturity level but when we get close to it, it disappears.We start,again, in search of that maturity level but what we get is merely an illusion.

I think that each of us has some real maturity & some seemingly-real maturity.
I believe a person ca be really mature when his “Real Maturity” part comes to the forefront & the “seemingly-real Maturity” takes a back-seat.And this can be achieved by looking in your inner-self & searching out that "Maturity" from the debris.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

u rite realy nice....i read al d articles except "50 or Shady?".i dont knw who dese people wht d fuss is all abt..truly speaking i feel like stealing ur diary ad readin it..a thg which i enjoy ad never miss any oppurtunity.ofcourse when dat doest hurt othrs...anywaz ll u giv me urs...:):)oh shud ask 4 diary...anywaz...u think a i m hapy 2 knw it..